
055: Blue Moon and Falklands Square

The ‘At The Flicks’ team are proud to present our latest and a very special podcast.

Special because this month we are actually ahead of the curve, interviewing and reporting on landmark films that are coming in the future.

First up we have an interview with Stefen Harris, whose excellent thriller Blue Moon is currently winning awards on the festival circuit. Stef gives us a fascinating insight into the world of low budget film-making and how that really can achieve results. The link to the Blue Moon trailer is below and if it comes to a film festival near you, we urge you to check it out, you will not be disappointed.

Going further ahead, we also include this month an ‘on set’ report from the drama Falklands Square, which we first reported on back in July. Graham and Jeff travelled to Portsmouth on a blistering hot day in August to watch the film being made. Whilst on set we interviewed the cast, including writer and star Russ Meyers, along with the director Miles Petford. 

Neil missed out on this real treat thanks to golf and an Apollo 11 moment (the podcast explains all).

We hope you enjoy what we believe is one of our best podcasts.

Please let us know if you agree.


A very special thank you to Dave Reynolds of Great British Entertainment for his help in making this episode possible. 


Blue Moon Trailer

Cole (short film directed by Myles Petford)

Friends and Thanks

The At the Flicks team would like to thank the following groups, people and friends who make the show possible: At The Flicks, are fans of:

Films referenced in this show:

  • 1984
  • 2001 A Space Odyssey
  • Blood Simple
  • Blue Moon
  • Cole
  • Falklands Square
  • Fargo
  • Geostorm
  • Goodbye Pork Pie
  • Inglorious Basterds
  • Lord Of The Rings
  • No Petrol, No Diesel
  • Reservoir Dogs
  • Shaker Run
  • The Hobbit
  • The Lion King
  • The Waimate Conspiracy
  • The Warriors
  • This Is England
  • Twentyfourseven