
092: Rustlers’ Roundup: Soldier Blue

Howdy partners, and welcome back to the trail. I would move in closer if I were you, as you are standing too close to where Snake Eyes Neil let the horses roam after eating.

At the Flicks · 092: Western Roundup: Soldier Blue

Be warned, this trail is a little darker than the last one. OK a lot darker. We talk about Ralph Nelson’s powerful and shocking Western Soldier Blue. For two thirds of its length this is a violent survivalist story. The last third is a recreation of the infamous Sand Creek Massacre of 1864 when the third Colorado Cavalry brutally butchered most of the inhabitants of a Native American village.
Tough stuff indeed and made even tougher by the parallels the film makers drew to the My Lai massacre which had happened in Vietnam a couple of years prior to the release of this movie. We talk at length about the climax of Soldier Blue, its initial impact, the extraordinary preview cut which almost got some of the film makers attacked and the censor cuts which have taken place since the film’s initial release.
If you have 20 minutes to spare why not listen in to hear the shocking tale of Soldier Blue,
Have you seen it? Do you think it should be classed as one of the great Westerns? Let us know and we may let you ride the trail with us for future episodes of Rustlers’ Roundup.

See you next time amigos.

Until then stay safe.

Trailer for Soldier Blue

Movies Referenced:

  • Doc
  • First Blood
  • On The Buses – The Movie
  • Saving Private Ryan
  • Soldier Blue
  • The African Queen
  • The Aristocats
  • The Culpepper Cattle Company
  • The Wild Bunch
  • Woodstock