In this episode of At The Flicks, your team of Graham and Jeff are talking to novelist and journalist Jared Feldschreiber. Jared has written an evocative novella called Reckless Abandon.
What’s it about, I hear you ask. Here is the description of Reckless Abandon from the Tree Of Film website
“Reckless Abandon. depicts an up-and-coming playwright who deals with the toils of assembling a “dream project” involving Bob Dylan, Woody Allen, and Dustin Hoffman, and is set in the summer of 1984.”
Reckless Abandon gets the thumbs up from the team because of its realisation of a time and place along with its insight into the creative process. We were very fortunate to be able to talk to Jared about his book and his intentions (please note there are no spoilers here, our aim is to encourage you to read his superior work). As well as discussing the novella, we talk to Jared about his time covering cinema for various publications and the festivals he has attended. He is truly a globe hopper, from his formative years in New York and then to other parts of America, spending time in Israel to where he is now currently living, Poland.
He has some fascinating stories which he shares with us. During the course of the show as well as discussing Reckless Abandon at length we also get the opportunity to talk about the current world focus on Eastern Europe from the Poland based Jared. At The Flicks hasn’t done an in-depth interview on this scale for a while. We certainly enjoyed talking with Jared and we hope you enjoy it too, and that it encourages you to purchase a copy Jared’s excellent novella Reckless Abandon (links below). As always, we look forward to our listener feedback.
See you At The Flicks
Buy Reckless Abandon on Amazon

Softcover and hardcover and find on Bookfinder via this link.
Book Review From Movies In Focus
Tree Of Film website
(as mentioned on the show)

Crossroads ( a short film by Jared Feldschreiber)
Film List
Below is a list of all the films and TV Shows referenced in this Podcast.
- Annie Hall
- Apocalypse Now
- Birdman
- BlacKkKlansman
- Blazing Saddles
- Crimes Of The Heart
- Crossroads (short)
- Do The Right Thing
- Follow The Zebra
- Inglorious Basterds
- It Could Happen To You
- Kids
- Midnight In Paris
- Mirror
- Natural Born Killers
- Pass Over
- Pulp Fiction
- Solaris
- The Americans (TV)
- The Conversation
- The Godfather
- The Purple Rose Of Cairo
- Tootsie
- Tree Of Life
- Wild Man Blues